Congratulations to One Direct Connect, t/a Meals on Wheels Central Coast, Board Director Janelle Reid on the birth of her baby boy. William James Reid made an appearance late last week and we are thrilled to say both mother and child are doing well.
We are grateful that Janelle, a lawyer, is also on our Governance Sub Committee, is very dedicated to our organisation and was able to attend Board meetings throughout her pregnancy via Zoom.
Ron Thomsen, Vice Chair, commented that in his almost 20 years of NFP Board service he can’t recall a serving Director pregnancy on any other Board, Janelle is a first in his experience.
Ron said that in terms of Governance he is very pleased that the One Direct Connect (ODC) investment in younger Board Directors has been very beneficial in terms of diversification of thoughts, this has also presented other and welcome considerations.
“Succession planning is always a challenge in achieving desired skill and experience mixes, but at ODC we are well catered for, and William has his name on a possible future vacancy if so desired,” he said.
Another Board Director who is also a lawyer, Raea Khan, has announced that he and his wife Holly, are expecting a child in February 2020, which is more great news.
“The average age of our Board continues to come down, although we still have experience to invest and assist new Directors, and we are conscious that we need impetus and drive in a changing environment which is an important measure of our Board’s investment in the future” Mr Thomsen said.
At ODC we embrace a well balanced Board but also equal opportunity. However, Ron says we may need to introduce a crèche facility for future Board meetings! Which will be another NFP Board first!